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Issue in Reading data from already created device under iio for st_lsm6dsox for step count


Iam using Beaglebone Black here. I have already enabled driver for st_lsm6dsox embedded features which created 9 devices with accel and gyro , magnetometer raw data along with step count and tilt detection features .I can read raw data from accel and gyro raw data but couldnt read step count and detect tilt and step detection those features .in iio:device3 events directory its empty , i tried sending 1 and 0 to hwfifo_flush but couldnt get any output I tried changing attributes but in veil ,can you please help me to get data from the sensor devices for step count , how to check tap detection, significant motion,tilt .code reference: Im using drivers provided by st link is this: from 2023-07-04 13-16-21.pngScreenshot from 2023-07-04 13-38-05.png

How to add node in i2c for interrupts lsm6dsox INT1 i connected to gpio0 7 pin 

Also can you please mention whether i need to enable interrupts ,and how to configure events to get data ,whether any hardware connection changes required?

Any help is greatly appreciated ,Thanks in advance