2018-06-25 9:59 AM
Hi everyone,
I play with a Nucleo-F767ZI, using the ST-Link part provided on the PCB.
I would like to use a ST-Link/v2 to program my MCU.
I was wondering, whether it is possible to power my MCU (without USB PWR) and use the ST-Link/v2 (using PA13 and PA14), without cutting the ST-Link part of the Nucleo or removing other components off the board.
UM1974, on page 71, says:
My guess would be, I can't, but I don't understand why?
Do you have an explanation?
#nucleo-f767zi #st-linkv22018-06-25 10:11 AM
There is a schematic if you are interested in the electrical connectivity on the board.
You can remove the CN4 jumpers to disconnect the ST-LINK from the onboard target (F767)
2018-06-25 5:57 PM
Yes, you can connect directly to Nucleo board without cutting or removing any parts.
There are two processor on that board, one for programming and a target.
To disconnect the on board target, remove jumpers CN4 as described by St. Clive.
also described in the Nucleo-144 document.
then you can connect your new target board through the 5/6pin connector provided.