2018-03-30 1:14 AM
I'm going to develop stm32f4 board for my application but i have no more space so i'm thinking the use of ST-Link V2 utility for program the processor and upgrade the firmware. so is it possible with ST-link v2 utility thru JTAG interface?
#stm32-jtag #stlink-v2 #firmware-upgrade #jtag #stlink2018-03-30 4:00 AM
Answer to the question in the thread title: No.
Answer to the question in the thread body: Yes.
2018-03-30 7:54 PM
On the other hand, consider that anyone with a ST-Link will be able to connect to your product and hack it, load their own firmware and so on.
-- pa
2018-03-31 5:16 AM
But that applies to anything that uses an STM32!
You can set the protection to disable SWD/JTAG access, and/or prevent code readout ...