2022-05-11 6:20 AM
sarathk@sarath:~/Desktop/project/open_s_projects/rust_projects/stm32l/led_blink$ probe-run target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/debug/led_blink --chip stm32l562qeixq
Error: Error while flashing
Caused by:
0: Something during the interaction with the core went wrong
1: An error with the usage of the probe occured
2: Operation timed out
2022-05-16 7:56 AM
I have connected under reset, it is showing the same issue.
Yes this first time programming the board.
That is I am not sure. When I press reset button LD4, LD5,LD6 and LD7 glows in sequence and stops. Finally the LD9, LD10 and LD5 are on.
2022-05-18 7:39 PM
Hi, still I am not able to figure out the issue , Can you please help me. Thank you.
2022-05-19 1:52 AM
Hi @bsara.1 ,
Try the tips provided in the article How to solve debugger connection issues?
May be you altered debug pins with your first loaded code.
To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2022-05-20 6:22 PM
Mode: Under reset
Reset mode: Hardware reset