2023-03-25 6:07 AM
I do not have room on my board for a large connector, so I need to create a custom cable. The STM32l010F4 boots via USART, yet I cannot find anything in the ST-link docs that says "connect this pin to usart Tx, and this one to the usart rx, etc.
If someone could point me to a dcoument, I would appreciate it.
2023-03-27 10:50 AM
You obviously have many years of experience with ST Micro. As I mentioned, I am unfamiliar with these parts. We each have a different point of view based on our respective experience with them.
2023-03-27 11:08 AM
There's a lot of documentation, over a lot of years, assume if you can't immediately find what you're looking for that you need to dig a little harder and read through or scan some of the salient documentation to orientate yourself. It's not all going to be neatly diagramed with infographics.
ST has videos, and several commercial operations have training packages.
The STM32 lines have expanded geometrically, and there's undoubtedly a vast amount of material, focus on the specific parts you're working with. It might take time to understand how ST has partitioned their documentation, and how it's changed over time.
2023-03-27 11:17 AM
So, your response is there are years of documents to dig through to find an answer, and it is not neatly diagrammed or documented?
2023-03-27 12:27 PM
Putting together information in posts above:
You could use an FTDI USB to TTL cable with STM32CubeProgrammer application to program your microcontroller.
FTDI Tx goes to pin PA10 or PA3, FTDI Rx goes to PA9 or PA2. FTDI GND goes to a microcontroller VSS pin.
Set BOOT0 pin / NBOOT option bits to boot from system memory (i.e., bootloader). Run STM32CubeProgrammer, select UART with Port set to COM port corresponding to FTDI USB to TTL cable. Use Even parity. Open firmware file to be programmed, press Download button.
2023-03-27 12:31 PM
Hi Chris,
Thank you. I had figured that out, but I appreciate you taking the time to state it so succinctly.
Thanks to you and everyone who helped me figure this out!