2018-12-12 3:38 AM
I am able to connect in SWD mode and debug target hardware but am unable to flash images to target by overriding Flash loader with my .board file in "Debugger->Download" option
Keep getting following warnings and no flash download occurs:
Wed Dec 12, 2018 11:06:42: Warning: Write failed (CPU data abort) at Memory address 0x40023C04
Wed Dec 12, 2018 11:06:43: Warning: Write failed (CPU data abort) at Memory address 0x40023C04
Wed Dec 12, 2018 11:06:43: 7392 bytes downloaded (77.62 Kbytes/sec)
Wed Dec 12, 2018 11:06:43: Loaded debugee: C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 7.5\arm\config\flashloader\ST\FlashSTM32F77xx_256.out
Wed Dec 12, 2018 11:06:43: Target reset
Wed Dec 12, 2018 11:06:44: Warning: Write failed (CPU data abort) at Memory address 0x2001EFA8
Wed Dec 12, 2018 11:06:46: Warning: Write failed (CPU data abort) at Memory address 0x2001EF94
2022-04-30 5:32 PM
Did you ever solve this? It's driving me nuts. It's random, and it seems like if I just keep trying, completely powering down my device and unhooking the STLink, then it eventually works.
2022-04-30 6:48 PM
Almost certainly different drivers and firmware at this point.
What STM32 model are you working with? Same STM32F77x of the OP ?
Version of IAR?
Might want to back-off the frequency of the SWD clock could be dropped.
Double check quality of USB cable.
2022-04-30 7:18 PM
It's an 32F215RET6. I've flashed it many times, always with some quirkiness, but now I can't seem to get it to go no matter how many times I try.
Good thought about the USB cable. I was using an older one, but I swapped it out for a new one that I know works.
The IAR version is 8.42.2. There's some inertia to overcome to get my team to upgrade. I know it's old, but again, it's worked many times.
I rebooted many times to no avail. Shutting down, unplugging my computer from my docking station, and unplugging my docking station seems to have corrected things. And yes, I tried plugging directly into a USB port on the laptop. Touchy stuff!
*** UPDATE 2, NOPE ***
Well, I managed to flash it once. Now, when I try again, it's the same thing. I don't have it in me right now to try shutting down and unplugging everything again, so I guess I'll try again later.
2022-04-30 7:37 PM
Here's the log. Note that I don't have any breakpoints set.
Sat Apr 30, 2022 19:30:32: IAR Embedded Workbench 8.42.2 (C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 8.4\arm\bin\armproc.dll)
Sat Apr 30, 2022 19:30:32: Loaded macro file: C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 8.4\arm\config\debugger\ST\STM32F2xx.dmac
Sat Apr 30, 2022 19:30:32: Loaded macro file: C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 8.4\arm\config\flashloader\ST\FlashSTM32F2xxxx.mac
Sat Apr 30, 2022 19:30:37: Connected to ST-LINK/V2 [SWD mode 1800 kHz] [Access port: 0] Firmware V2.J39.S7 (Probe no: 36FF71065648343845530543)
Sat Apr 30, 2022 19:30:37: Hardware reset with strategy 0 was performed
Sat Apr 30, 2022 19:30:37: Initial reset was performed
Sat Apr 30, 2022 19:30:37: 992 bytes downloaded (12.42 Kbytes/sec)
Sat Apr 30, 2022 19:30:37: Loaded debugee: C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 8.4\arm\config\flashloader\ST\FlashSTM32F2xxxx.out
Sat Apr 30, 2022 19:30:37: Target reset
Sat Apr 30, 2022 19:30:40: Warning: Write failed (CPU data abort) at Memory address 0x2001EF98
Sat Apr 30, 2022 19:30:40: Warning: Write failed (CPU data abort) at Memory address 0x2001EF84
Sat Apr 30, 2022 19:30:40: Failed to set breakpoint at 0x200000C4 (out of breakpoints?)
Sat Apr 30, 2022 19:30:40: Failed to set breakpoint: Driver error.
Sat Apr 30, 2022 19:36:22: Unloaded macro file: C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 8.4\arm\config\flashloader\ST\FlashSTM32F2xxxx.mac
Sat Apr 30, 2022 19:36:23: IAR Embedded Workbench 8.42.2 (C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 8.4\arm\bin\armproc.dll)
2022-05-10 9:24 AM
Following up, what ultimately solved this for me is disassembling my device and reseating all connections. I'm a software person, so I hadn't thought of that. To a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. I assumed it was a software configuration problem.