2020-05-13 6:50 AM
I have been struggling for a couple of days with a STM32VLDicovery board. When I plug in the device it appears as 'USB Mass Storage Device.' I attempt to program it from visual studio 2019, using VisualGDB, and I get a messahe saying:
USB Mass Storage Device�? does not appear to have “ST-Link Driver�? driver installed. The debugger may have problems finding your decvice. Try installing it now?
I say yes, but it always fails.
I tried downloading the correct driver package from the ST Website (en.stsw-link009.zip) and manually selecting the correct driver through windows device manager, but then I get the message:
The folder you specified doesn’t contain a compatible software driver for your device. If the folder contains a driver, make sure it is designed to work with windows for x64-based systems
Yet I am definately pointing at the folder with the ‘stlink_dbg_winusb.inf’ and ‘stlink_VCP.inf’ files.
Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong?
2020-05-13 8:24 AM
Does the board have two USB connectors? If so, you're using the wrong one.
Do not force ST-LINK driver on the USB storage interface, it won't work even if you succeed))
-- pa
2020-05-13 8:32 AM
No, just the one USB connector.