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Hola Buenos dias. Acabo de adquerir un stm32 v3 pack el dia 14/02/2023 al que, no soy capaz de hacerlo conectar y me da fallo.

Associate III
Associate III

Thats a lot of wires, show me the probe (la sonda)

Available for consulting/freelancing , hit me up in
Associate III

sorry, but I do not know what it refers to by the denomination (probe), if it is to the USB cable or the connection of the PCB

Associate III

puede ser que haya algun cortocirtuito ahi? no parecen cables muy adecuados

Available for consulting/freelancing , hit me up in

The connections, even if they are not adequate, have been well checked and the probe is properly powered. What I see is that the stm32 is recognized and updates the firware, but in the upper part it is always in red and never connected, I also find that it is recognized by usb and everything .... and the "tarjet not foud" ruling

Target Not Found is indicative that the SWDIO/SWCLK are not responsive. Check the device is powered, you should be able to see the measured voltage for vTarget

Check the analogue and digital supplies are present, and that NRST isn't clamped to ground.

Check perhaps with known/working board.

If the system loader via serial nor SWD are working, your MCU is not functional. Review design, check things like VCAP and NRST. Check BOOT0

You don't mention which STM32 you are using, nor design / connectivity details.

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hello, good afternoon. I am using a stlink-v3set.


what i am using is





I am not at the pinOut of the microprocessor.

The weird thing and forgive my lack of knowledge,,,,

without connecting the card to the usb and connecting, wouldn't it have to be operational before connecting it to debug?

Ok, so you're trying to use the USART loader?

Typically BOOT0 needs to be high, and you get one-shot at connecting with even parity. ie sends an 0x7F pattern to auto-baud, and responds with an 0x79

If it fails you have to reset again.

If you have other noise on pins the system loader is monitoring, it might pick those over your preferred source, think GPS/GNSS that immediately chirps at start-up.

Check application note AN2606 for pin expectations on the STM32 model/family you are using.

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The SWD/JTAG debugger requires a viable device to communicate with for the connection to succeed.

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