2022-01-22 8:32 AM
2022-01-22 10:42 AM
a chip? a board? how did you connect?
2022-01-22 9:25 PM
What board? Minimally provide a link to a web page or that of the vendor.
How would expect it to connect?
You have an ST-LINK or equivalent JTAG or SWD debugger pod?
Serial or USB connectivity to the ROM based boot loader, try using STM32 Cube Programmer.
2022-01-22 9:28 PM
Well if the mcu is a clone, it could be one reason.
2022-01-22 11:23 PM
Hey KnarfB thanks lot for your response.This piece ST-LINK V2 STM8 & STM32 , have only usb
connection, look like a USP stick. I just want to blink the LED , to make sure it is working.
2022-01-22 11:31 PM
Hey Dear Tesla
Thanks for the response.This device look like a USB stick.ST-LINK V2 STM8 & STM32 , have only USB connection.Through USB I connect with my laptop, I just want to blink the LED.I used the STM32Cube Programmer.I upgrade the firmware as well.When I press green color button at top stm32 cube programmer, its said no Stm32 target found.
2022-01-22 11:31 PM
Yes it is the clone.
2022-02-01 11:58 PM