2021-04-27 02:11 AM
Should pin PA9 needs to be connected to something on the board and is there any way to call the eventcallback function.My main issue is that the wired mouse is not asensed by Vbus.Its voltage is 0V. Could you please help me on this.Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
2021-04-27 05:02 AM
What tutorial you are talking about?
If you mean the built-in demonstration using a mouse described in UM1467, UM1472 or as part of the repository, the board itself behaves like a mouse when connected via a Micro USB cable between CN5 and a PC.
2021-04-27 05:06 AM
I followed the STM32 MOOC tutorial for configuring the STM32 as a host device.I'm connecting the wired mouse through CN5 but it is not getting detected. I think the issue is in the code. The USBH_UserProcess is never being invoked so the micro controller is not able to communicate with the USB. Could you please let me know how to fix it?
2021-04-27 05:31 AM
I debugged the code. the USBH_UserProcess is not getting invoked when the code is run.Could someone please let me know as to how to invoke this function?