2022-05-26 3:15 AM
We received several batches of STM32L072CBT6, among them, there are Revision 1, Revision P, and Revision Z.
As per the errata data sheet, these 3 revisions are put in the same column of the chart "Summary of device errata".
Does it mean these 3 revisions are totally the same?
The marking "1" "P" and "Q" just indicate different manufacturing facilities or locations?
2022-05-26 11:31 AM
Revision changes with functional impact are indicated in Errata, or in rare cases ('H743) in DS/RM. In other words, revisions with no differences in either document are identical from functional point of view. As you've said, it may mean different fab, or a minor change which has no impact on functionality but has impact on manufacturability/yield (e.g. change of bonding pad size/position).
Note, that this is primarily a user-driven forum with casual ST presence. I am a mere user with no insight to ST's operations, so treat my answer accordingly. If in doubts, try to contact ST directly, through FAE or web support form.
2022-05-26 12:02 PM
There are different codes for diffusion (fab) and assembly plants, these are two-digit codes.
In this case I think this designates different mask-sets at different locations, because those might be physically different (size, optical grates), and not interchangeable between sites, but from the same GDSII (or whatever) files describing the design.
2022-05-26 10:14 PM
Thank you.
2022-05-26 10:14 PM
Thank you!