2020-03-21 1:10 AM
I am Mahendra. I bought ST-Link from Waveshare and I bought the STM32F103C8T6 module board from a local store a few days ago. this is my first STM32 module. The IDE that I use is STM32CubeIDE 1.3.0. I tried an example program, LED blinking. however, the IDE console says that
STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 5.5.0
Copyright (c) 2019, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.
Starting server with the following options:
Persistent Mode: Disabled
Logging Level: 1
Listen Port Number: 61234
Refresh Delay Status: 15s
Verbose Mode: Disabled
SWD Debug: Enabled
InitWhile: Enabled
Target no device found
Error in initializing ST-LINK device.
Reason: No device found on target.
What should I do ? I am very grateful for the help.
2020-03-21 2:25 AM
Make sure the application MCU is powered up (not by STLink which only monitors MCU Vdd), connect at least ground, SWDIO and SWCLK (SWD mode), and possibly RESET (and make sure in the STLink settings you have chosen Reset HW scheme).
If things don't work, try to use CubeMonitor to check the PC => STLink => Target MCU is functional.
2020-03-21 2:39 AM
hi, thanks for reply.
I will try your suggests as soon as possible and i will update the result.
Oh, forget something. as an additional information.
I have installed ST-Link Utility v4.5.0 (en.stsw-link004 files)
i connect this pin
STM32F103 -> ST-Link
3.3v -> VDD3.3v (pin 19)
DCLK -> SWCLK (pin 9)
DIO -> SWDIO (pin 7)
PB3 -> SWO (pin 13)
PB4 -> NRST (pin 15)
GND -> GND (pin 20)
I use ST-Link 20 pin
2020-04-11 7:17 AM
I have already follow your suggests. But, it still in same condition. so, I bought a new one, The ST-Link Dongle 10pin.
Figure 1. The ST-Link Dongle 10 pin
Even my new dongle is still not working :(
The dongle is already detected in my device manager
Figure 2. The Device Manager Conditions
Figure 3. The ST-Link Utility v4.1.0 Interfaces
I really really dont get it what the problem is.
2020-04-11 7:18 AM
Double post.
2020-04-12 4:36 AM
After trying several cases. Then, The Figure 1 (The ST-Link Dongle 10 pin) is not broken. I try to connect the dongle into another STM32 and The ST-Link Dongle works fine. So, I think the STM32F103C8T6 board is broken.
I lost my ST-Link 20 pin, but no problem. The dongle could be use.