2014-03-05 3:53 AM
Is there a way to downgrade the revision of the ST-Link/V2 firmware, let's say from V2.J19.S0 to V2.J17.S0 on the Discovery kit?Regards,Fahmi #st-link/v2-firmware #st-link-utility-3.0.0-v2.j17.s02014-03-05 8:41 AM
Should just be able to run the appropriate ''Update'' tool. No trouble here going from 16 to 14
2014-03-06 12:39 AM
Does ST give the different revisions of their ST-Link Utility and ST-Link Upgrade tools? I could only find:
- ST-Link Utility 3.3.0 which upgrades to V2.J19.S0http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF258168
- ST-LINK/V2 firmware upgrade2.19.4
which upgrades to V2.J19.S0http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF258194#
- ST-LINK/V2 firmware upgrade1.12.3
which upgrades to V2.J14.S02014-03-06 1:13 AM
I ended up finding version of ST-LINK Utility in some chineese site. This revision can upgrade the ST-Link firmware to V2.J17.S0. I uploaded it to Dropbox since the original site is very slow.
2014-03-06 7:28 AM
Google had these when I went fishing yesterday..
2015-11-24 12:29 AM
Just a note to say thank-you for posting this. For whatever reason the later versions of the ST-LINK V2 firmware don't work reliably with the command line tool - a big problem for automated SW deployment in the factory!