2020-04-13 11:53 PM
To measure the current of the MCU on the Nucleo L073RZ there is an IDD header (JP6), on the Nucleo L552ZE-Q there is also a IDD header (JP5).
I expect when I remove the header and leave is open (no current meter) that the MCU does not receive any power so it would not work. This is true on the nucleo L552, if i remove the header the MCU does not work.
In contrast to the Nucleo L073 if the header is open the MCU then the MCU will just keep working. Controlling GPIO's and SPI communication will also continue to work as usual.
I already looked at the electronic schematic where the MCU can still get power, but this was unsuccessful. So my question is if the MCU receive power when the header is open. How do I know if I measure all current through the header and not just 80% (example value) of the actual current.
2020-05-15 6:18 AM
Same problem as you on the L073RZ.