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ST-LINK V3 SET Firmware Upgrade Failure

Associate II

Hi, I tried to upgrade the firmware for my ST-LINK 3 SET (using the STLinkUpgrade came with STM32CubeProgrammer) and something went wrong (didn't do anything special, just clicked "Open in update mode" and then "Upgrade"). Now its "Version" appears to be "Unkown" and it woudn't get into update mode any more with an error message: "Unkown firmware type. Don't know how to upgrade." I was wondering if there is any way to recover the firmware? Thanks!

Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

When you plug it into the USB port, does you OS still recognize is? If it is recognized, as what is it recognized?

Associate II

It's still recognized as STLINK-V3, but not functional


Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

What happens when you "Open in update Mode"

It gives an error message as shown below. The "Upgrade" button stays grey.


Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

The upgrade is effectivly done by a java file"STLinkUpgrade.jar". Locate that file and try to run direct" java -jar STLinkUpgrade.jar"

I just tried, this command opens the upgrade tool without starting the stm32cube programmer. But STLink still cannot get into update mode, same behavior and the Upgrade button is unclickable.

Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

Let's hope that somebody with knowledge of the probes internals jumps in...

Hope so... Thanks for your help anyway.