2015-07-23 12:21 AM
Hello all,
i'm using the ST-LINK_CLI to flash software on an STM32F429 with 2MB Flash. In order to increase the speed, I'd like to configure the SWD frequency to the maximum (AFAIK 4MHz at the moment). I can do this configuration with the ST-Link Utility (GUI), but I didn't find any command line parameters in the ''ST-LINK Utility software description (UM0892)'' for the configuration of the frequency.Is this feature not documented or not implemented?regardsJulian #stlink-st-link_cli-swd-frequency2015-07-23 02:59 AM
You can find all the Commands of the CLI and there parameters in the ST-LINK_CLI.exe by double clicking it.So in your case, to do so use the following command:-c swd SWCLK=10-Syrine-2015-07-23 04:34 AM
Hi Syrine,
thank you very much. I just looked in the pdf-document...