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Can't Debug Using ST-Link

Associate III
Associate III

I have a project based on the STM32L496, built using IAR. I am trying to do a download and debug in IAR, but am having trouble. When I attemp to connect, I get the following dialog in the IAR Debug tab:


Can anyone give me any info on the ELF/DWARF error? I'm not trying to use an external flash loader. Note: debugging using the ST-Link works fine for other targets (tried F205 and L432).

Did the code build properly? Show build log.

Is the code built for the 0x08000000 FLASH memory location, check build settings, check .MAP file.

Is the L496 board/platform actually viable? Custom board?

On the ST-LINK/V2 pin 1 or 2 need to have target voltage present, is it?

Can STM32 Cube Programmer see and connect to your platform? Does it report the target voltage correctly?

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Code builds fine. The linker is set to place this at 0x08080000, as Bank 1 on my custom board is currently write-protected and can't be unlocked (posted about that issue separately). Can connect using ST-Link utility and detect target successfully, with correct voltage.