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Can STM32H7 chip be directly program with STLink/V2 via SWD ?

Associate II

I have designed a costimazed PCB board based on NECLEO-H743Z12 board, and I have removed the build in STLink debugger, hoping that I will use the external STLink/V2 programmer via SWD. I have followed the schematics data sheet and connected pins [3.3V, GND, TMS, TCK, SWO] directly to H7 chip pins [PA13, PA14, PB3, VDD,GND]. I’m using the STLink software tool to detect the chip but till now I’m constantly getting error messages that the target chip is not detected.

What am I missing, am I doing something wrong ? Is it possible to program this chip directly? and how ? I will really appreciate your help as I’m new and this is my first customize design.

thanks !


It should be capable of working and connecting. I'd have the NRST wired up also.

That you can't connect is more indicative that the H7 isn't running.

What other signs-of-life testing have you done? Can you pull BOOT0 High and connect to the ROM System Loader via USART1 (PA9,PA10) or USB?

Check level on NRST pin.

Check voltage on VCAP pins.

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Associate II

Update on the current issue (STM32H7 STlink-v2 programmer to breakout board ). it seems i can connect but the chip is not responding. here is the results from the STlink software tool. What am i missing ?


And the next is the results from the cubeIED


Hi @Community member​ thanks for your quick response, I forgot to mentioned that NRST PIN was connected. I have attached the schematics bellow. the only test I did was to check the VDD powering the board with 3.3V and i have tested the VCAP pins with 1V, as for the USART, only the USART3 pinout is available on this breakout board.


Associate II

Hi, is this resolved? I am facing same issue.

Then probably something wrong with your design, try presenting details of that..

Perhaps power issues, or correct part orientation. 

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STM32H745ZI, I am using stm32 v2 for swd connections. The core is powered through SMPS, I am getting 1.2V at VDDLDO.

Associate II

Do you use the standard debugging tool (external STLink/V2 programmer). The SWD Programmer connector from schematic isn't the stardard one.

Do you have configured the proper SMPS settings in STM32CubeMX?

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