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Can I get the reference design about STM32F401X ?

Associate II

What "reference design", exactly?

Schematics, gerbers, etc, of devboards are on the 'CAD Resources' tab of the board's Product Page

Associate II

Okay, I will look for it .

Also look on the chip's Product Page

Data Sheet and Reference Manual should provide guidance/expectations.

The NUCLEO-F401 might be a good example. Device's pin count my impact specific expectations.

Not many requirements to get functional, need VDD/VDDA, VSS/VSSA, BOOT0 pulled low, bulk capacitance at VCAP pin(s), around 4u7 total, typically split as 2x 2u2, one for each pin, as I recall.

Cap to ground on NRST, also typical, to re-tar-d it's rise.

For programming/debug provide header with VCC,GND,SWDIO,SWCLK,SWO,NRST

A debug/programming UART via USART1 PA9/PA10 recommeded.

Jumper for BOOT0 HIGH/LOW also

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