2019-03-26 10:47 AM
If someone could share the Arduino STAR OTTO User Guide (I believe that standard User Guide has electrical schematic) I'd be grateful. Unfortunately I cannot find it on the ST.com.
2019-03-26 11:46 AM
Seems by name to be an Arduino related board...
2019-03-26 11:57 AM
Not really.
2019-03-26 11:58 AM
2019-03-26 11:59 AM
Looks like original ST product, cancelled before being known...
2019-03-26 2:09 PM
Yeah, I think a joint ST-Arduino partnership to break ATMEL mindshare, I think prior to the two Arduino camps splitting. Looked to be a nice board. Went nowhere...
2019-03-26 4:27 PM
Yes ST at first embraced Arduino but is now trying to force it in directions it doesn't want to go, such as it taking over the STM32duino Github and modifying the libraries to be more CMSIS and less Arduino, meaning it now takes about three times longer to compile a simple script.
2019-03-26 11:16 PM
The problem is that I need User Manual for this board and schematic.
I believe that ST has such document...
2019-03-27 12:38 AM