2020-08-02 2:10 PM
After updating CubeIDE to version 1.4.0 (Linux), the debugger does not work.
A window appears
"ST-LINK firmware verification"
in which there is a message - "STLink server is required to launch the debug session".
How to fix it?
2020-08-22 1:45 PM
Downloaded libstlinkusbdriver.so copied to lib folder.
ST-LINK_gdbserver -p 61234 -l 1 -d -s -cp /opt/st/stm32cubeide_1.4.0/plugins/com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.cubeprogrammer.linux64_1.4.0.202007081208/tools/bin - m 0 -k
STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 5.6.0
Copyright (c) 2020, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.
Starting server with the following options:
Persistent Mode : Disabled
Logging Level : 1
Listen Port Number : 61234
Status Refresh Delay : 15s
Verbose Mode : Disabled
SWD Debug : Enabled
InitWhile : Enabled
Failed to bind to port 61234, error code -1: Address already in use
Failure starting GDB server: TCP port 61234 not available.
2020-08-22 2:10 PM
As it turned out
libstlinkusbdriver.so is in the folder
Copied it to lib folder.
STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 5.6.0
Copyright (c) 2020, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.
Starting server with the following options:
Persistent Mode : Disabled
Logging Level : 1
Listen Port Number : 61234
Status Refresh Delay : 15s
Verbose Mode : Disabled
SWD Debug : Enabled
InitWhile : Enabled
Waiting for debugger connection...
And everything is frozen.
The green LED on the debugger came on.
After reconnecting, the result is the same.
STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 5.6.0
Copyright (c) 2020, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.
Starting server with the following options:
Persistent Mode : Disabled
Logging Level : 1
Listen Port Number : 61234
Status Refresh Delay : 15s
Verbose Mode : Disabled
SWD Debug : Enabled
InitWhile : Enabled
Failed to bind to port 61234, error code -1: Address already in use
Failure starting GDB server: TCP port 61234 not available.
In the program itself, no changes. When trying to debug, the same message.
"STLink server is required to launch the debug session".
2020-08-27 4:18 AM
You must install v1.4.0 with cubeide installer to have the STLink server installed correctly.
If you update from v1.3.0, the stlink server won't be installed, only plugins will be updated to v1.4.0
2020-08-27 10:59 AM
In the three posts above, I told you what happens when i install version 1.4.0 downloaded from the official site and updated to version 1.4.2.
Everything after version 1.3.0 does not work.
The program simply does not see the STLink server, although it is present in the system. But it does not even start manually because it does not see the libstlinkusbdriver.so file, which is also present. Why? I don’t understand. I reinstalled Linux many times, tried to change the kernel, tried to run the installer (and program) with root rights ... everything is confusing.
2020-08-28 1:58 AM
You are talking about 2 different software, stlinkserver and stlink gdb server.
stlinkserver is installed in its own (outside cubeIde) and is now needed for cubeIde 1.4.0.
stlink gdb server is installed in plugins of CubeIde and can have different version in cubeIde updates.
Do as KnarfB wrote and report your install log as he did.
You should have stlinkserver v1.3.0-4 and cubeide 1.4.0.
Pasting again its install log:
Maybe this manjaro linux distrib has issues, I don't know.
2020-08-28 4:26 AM
Yes, the problem is in the installation. STLink-Server is not installed, but because the installer reports that STLink-Server is already installed on the system (????).
But how is this possible? The program was installed on a freshly installed ("clean") Linux.
install log:
$ sudo sh /home/alex/st-stm32cubeide_1.4.0_7511_20200720_0928_amd64.sh
Creating directory st-stm32cubeide_1.4.0_7511_20200720_0928_amd64.sh.root
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing STM32CubeIDE 1.4.0 installer 100%
STMicroelectronics Software License Agreement
I ACCEPT (y) / I DO NOT ACCEPT (N) [N/y] y
License accepted.
STM32CubeIDE install dir? [/opt/st/stm32cubeide_1.4.0] /home/alex/MyPrograms/st/stm32cubeide_1.4.0
Installing STM32CubeIDE into /home/alex/MyPrograms/st/stm32cubeide_1.4.0 ...
Java cacerts symlinked to /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts
Creating directory root
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing STM udev rules installer 100%
Package installed.
Creating directory root
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing STM STLink-Server installer 100%
stlink-server v1.3.0-4 (2020-01-29-14:16) installation started.
Already installed version is newer or equal: line 63:
NOT downgrading. Aborting stlink-server installation.
Do you want to install Segger J-Link udev rules? [Y/n] y
Important - Read carefully:
I ACCEPT (y) / I DO NOT ACCEPT (N) [N/y] y
License accepted.
Creating directory makeself_dir_rPmjhT
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing SEGGER J-Link udev rules installer 100%
STM32CubeIDE installed successfully
2020-08-28 4:35 AM
OK, so maybe try to uninstall stlinkserver and cubeide as KnarfB wrote:
$ sudo apt remove 'st-stm32cubeide*' 'st-stlink*'
and redo the cubeIde install to see if it still sees stlinkserver already installed.
2020-08-28 5:23 AM
Manjaro is based on Arch Linux, these commands don't work.
I cannot find the stlink-server installed on the system to uninstall it.
The program folder contains the uninstall.sh file.
I run it:
sudo sh /home/alex/MyPrograms/st/stm32cubeide_1.4.0/uninstall.sh
Uninstall SEGGER J-Link udev rules? [N/y] y
Uninstall ST-LINK udev rules? [N/y] y
Uninstall stlink-server? [N/y] y
Remove STM32CubeIDE desktop shortcut [N/y] y
Removing STM32CubeIDE...
When i reinstall the program, the install log is the same ...:persevering_face:
2020-08-28 7:49 AM
The problem was solved.
I downloaded the stlink server from the official site. Using "debtab" I converted the deb package into an Arch package and installed it. Then I installed the ncurses5 package which was missing. And only after that it worked. Hooray.
Many thanks to everyone who tried to help me. Good luck to everyone.
2020-09-02 1:05 PM
interesting what Akova2 wrote. I use Mac OS 10.15.6 and do not understand everything, mainly "converting the deb package into an Arch package…". Does anybody have an idea how to solve the problem on Mac?
Thanks for any help!
Have a good day.