2023-09-06 6:11 PM
I would like to ask about the VAPP specifications.
Until now, the connection was made via JTAG as shown below.
There was no problem in writing.
Can I replace VAPP with VDD (pin 19) and feed power from ST-LINK?
If I do, should I short-circuit VDD and VAPP?
2023-09-06 6:27 PM
Your connection is actually SWD.
VAPP is the MCU generated VDD to tell the ST-Link what signal level to use for the programming pins, it is not a supply to the MCU.
Similarly, GND is not sourced by the ST-Link.
2023-09-06 9:43 PM
If that is the case, do I need VAPP when wiring power from ST-LINK VDD?
2023-09-07 7:04 AM
I haven't tried that. ST-LINK Pin 19 VDD is 3.3 V with no load, the User Manual says No Connection.
If Pin 19 has adequate power, the worst that can happen with no VAPP is a failure to connect, in which case you can connect VAPP to VDD.
Note: other brand programmers may have Pin 19 connected to ground.