2016-03-24 2:09 AM
I like to work with STM-Studio and it is a way much better than ordinary debugging/monitoring variables.
But I still could not manage to connect two instances STM-Studio application to two different ST-Links since the STM-Studio does not recognize more than one ST-Link regard less of how many instances of STM-Studio is running.It would be very great, if an single instance (or even two instances) of stm-studio could connect to two or different ST-Link devices at the same time monitoring multiple coupled MCU variables in realtime.Is there any plan to implement that feature in STM-Studio.Even I would like to know if I could use other debugging interfaces such as J-Link,... to connect to STM-Studio then STM-Studio would be a very amazing product.Thnx #dfuse #stm-studio #st-link #dfu2016-03-24 5:01 AM
this use case is interresting, we take note for future enhancements, thank you. The possibility to select a ST-Link among several connected can be considered. This would then allow to have several STMStudio instances simultaneously running, each one connected to a different ST-Link. Having a single STMStudio instance connected to several ST-Links will have a much greater impact in term of architecture of the tool (the notion of probe to be associated with variable and/or viewer), despite I understand it might be better for data synchronization between probes. It is not currently planned to support other type of probes than the ones already supported yet.