2019-06-15 8:32 AM
Hi everyone,
I have some issue with the Flash loader demonstrator V2.8.0. It has worked several times before. Now when I started the tool, the first step picture 1 (connect to devise) it works fine. But the in the second step picture 2, I can't see any device target.
I trayed width 3 PC and 3 different boards. I had the same result
2 x customized boards STM32F765VGT6
1 x customized boards STM32F769BIT6
If I use other flash tools Like "STM32CubeProgrammer" or "ST-LINK-Utility" I can update the controller without any issue. But we have many customers use the "Flash loader demonstrator".
Thank you all for the support
2019-06-15 9:01 AM
Development for Flash Loader Demonstrator. DFU Demo and ST-LINK Utilities have been deprecated, and have been replaced by the STM32 Cube Programmer tool. Don't expect further development to occur on the old tools.
You might want to consider writing your own tools for your customers, or looking at the assorted open-source USART programming tools for the STM32. The protocol is documentent, and not excessively hard to implement.
2019-06-16 3:36 AM
Thank you for the quick answer.
I found the reason why it doesn't work.
In the installation folder--> Map, the MCU configuration for my Board "STM32F7_6x_7x_SB_2048K.STmap" is missing. I don`t know why the Tool has worked before or why the configuration is disappeared.
I copied the "Map" folder from the "STMFlashLoader-Demo_V2.9.0RC4" and pasted it in the installation Folder of "STMFlashLoader-Demo_V2.8.0". It works fine.
I wasn't able to find the "STMFlashLoader-Demo_V2.9.0 " on STM Website. I found it in only one other website.
For us, we can use this solution and in the future, we move to the new Loader "STM32CubeProgrammer"