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ST25R3916 VDD_RF regulator bypass mode


Is there any additional information about on how to use on ST25R3916 the bypass mode of internal VDD_RF regulator to be able to a transmitter output current higher than 350 mA (up to 500 mA) supplied from an external source.
In ST25R3916 datasheet only gives this information:
"If a transmitter output current higher than 350 mArms is required the VDD_RF regulator cannot be used to supply the transmitter. VDD_RF and VDD_DR have to be externally connected to VDD_TX (connection of VDD_RF to supply voltage higher than VDD_TX is not allowed)."
Also i see in the ST25R3916 Discovery Board (MB1414B) schematic open jumper J206 and unplaced decoupling capacitors C209, C210.
What are my steps to enable VDD_RF regulator bypass mode? Only close jumper J206 and placed capacitors C209, C210? Is there anything also that needs to be done?

Best regards, Rob.