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NFC Tap iOS App crashs and source code not downloadable

Associate III

I've downloaded the NFC Tap app and on my Iphone 8 it is not possible to start the FTM Demo because directly when I try to start it the strange overlay appears and then the app crashes and is not usable. It is the newest version.


Furthermore, I was not able to download the App from your Homepage. It is a endless loop of logging in and jumping back to the same page. I've tried 3 different browsers (firefox, safari and chrome). All behave the same.



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Accepted Solutions

thx for you reply. 
Ok, it is a UI issue. we're fixing it. 



View solution in original post

victor laraison
ST Employee

hi ,

Thx for your interest in iOS NFC Tap application. 
I have made again some test today, and everything seems ok at my end. 

I have tested on Discovery MB1396-B + FW 2.1.0, iOS NFC Tap from AppStopre V7.2 and from Source code on as well. 
Iphone used : iPhone12 pro

NFC Tag : ST25DV64KC.

Please, could you provide me more information on environment used, in order to be in same context as you? 

- iOS NFC tap version (ref to "about" menu)

- iphone model + iOS version 
- ST25 NFC Tag ? +,ST25 Disco board + FW version ? 


Regarding "looping" when downloading the App from your Homepage, I have warned the team who is in charge of I saw same issue on Safari and MacOs. 

Thx in advance for information. 


Associate III

I am using the ANT7-T tag. And with this I am getting the strange behavior. I have as well the most recent version of the app. But the app in this menu is not usable after selecting FMT. It is not possible to click something.

As written before Iphone 8, iOS 16.7.7  but I guess it is something else with the strange web overlay which is shown in the screenshot.

victor laraison
ST Employee

Ok , thx .

You don't see the button "Continue" at the bottom of popup windows when selecting FTM mode ? 




I guess there is a display issue with iphone8...


And you still have a crash ? 




regarding issue on reply from our support web : 


We are aware of recent issues with Software downloads in particular where user login and SW download does not start.
It leads to an endless loop.

There is a working group in place to address this issue (coordinated by Alex).

We hope to have a solution quickly.


Regarding your issue on FTM, I m delivering a patch by tomorrow. I'm in remote today, and will be at the office tomorrow for getting a iphone8 . 

Sorry for inconvenience. 


victor laraison
ST Employee

when you say that app crashes, what do you mean exactly ?  

- app closes automatically ? 

- you cannot access to button "continue" ? 

- anything else ?


Thx and br,


Button is not accessible and the FTM menu other menu is not reachable anymore.

thx for you reply. 
Ok, it is a UI issue. we're fixing it. 



victor laraison
ST Employee

hi Cwies,
I'm delivering a new version of the iOS NFC Tap fixing your issue. 

Would you like to test patch before delivery or you can wait (apple process takes 2-
3 days max) ? 

Let me know
