Hi SebastianST,I'm in charge of iOS App development with our ST25 Tag. I never encountered this kind of issue. In our SW stack, we are providing demo examples on how using ST25DV Mailbox with iPhone. Are you using same piece of code ? or you develope...
Hi Visitor,Thx for your interests in our products.Regarding iOS and NFC Card Emulation Node, it was not supported by until iOS 17.4.Since iOS 17.4, Apple pushed APIs that allows developer to develop iOS App with HCE (Host Card Emulation).Ref to HCE-...
you could find more information in iOS Documentation, coreNFC.Ref to https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corenfc/nfciso15693tag/3043799-customcommandHope it helps,Br
Good morning, afternoon Greidimar,You could find iOS source code both for ST25SDK and iOS NFC tap under https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/stsw-st25ios001.htmlHope it will help you. Thx and br,
hello Greidimar,"Tag connection lost" is usually returned by iOS whenever command is not recognized by the Tag itself (bad parameters inside, not well formated...).In your case, I don't understand whay you are using "SendRequest" instead of 'custom c...