hi CanniPriest,Thank you for your interest for our product.We have deployed an ios st25sdkframework to simplify integration in any iOS environment. Framework and code example is provided under https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/stsw-st25ios001.h...
Hello aly,Error message in your debug console is quite explicit: you 're not connected with the tag, and you try to send a command. So, you get an exception. So : - Verify why you re connected with tag (do you stop nfc session ? Distance from tag & r...
hi,why do restart NFC line 100 ? Normally, you 're already in a NFC session and tag has been detected. I don't know behavior when you do such things. Try to remove it .Otherwise, no more idea on your issue. difficult to know without no more infos or ...
Hi Mkoza,All my apologizes, but M24LR64 is not supported by iOS CoreNFC. I invite you to have a look on thread https://community.st.com/t5/st25-nfc-rfid-tags-and-readers/nfc-memory-m24lr-64-er/td-p/647758 hope it clarifies.Br,