2021-05-26 4:27 AM
We have a product on the field using an ST25DV tag with NDEF records, and we also developed an IOS app to interact with it, now, after updating to IOS 14.6, our app stopped working, this is what we discovered so far:
Is ST already aware of this problem? Does anyone knows if is there any workaround for the app to work again? we started receiving complains from customers and the situation will escalate quickly if we don't find a solution.
Any help from ST will be appreciated!
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-05-28 4:21 AM
I confirm that using NFCTagReaderSession works fine, both for reading and writing NDEF. This is what we used in our iOS NFC Tap application when you hit button "Read Tag" , then select menu "Area Content Editor" for editing NDEF.
Otherwise, I have logged a ticket to apple for raising issue. Don't know if you have access to feedback assistant :
ref to https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/9120751
Hi ,
The Latest iOS14.6 official release has introduced a major regression in the reading of NDEF message with Type5 tags only !!!
This is not a problem with an invalid NDEF or with our Tag : It was tested with other many Type5 Tags (STMicro, NXp) and tags formatted and created with different iOS NFC apps
· This problem seems to affect only ISO 15693 tags : tested with ISO 14443A, we were able to detect it
So, Type5 tags are only impacted. Not Type4A.
How to reproduce it :
- Install the iOS14.6 or iOS14.7 beta
- Download your coreNFC reference App from https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corenfc/building_an_nfc_tag-reader_app
- Use a Type5 Tag with a NDEF Formatted message
- Run NFC Tag reader , and see that when scanning tag, NDEF is not detected.
When debugging sample code, the NFCNDEFReaderSessionDelegate is never called.
Thanks a lot for your support
2021-05-28 6:09 AM
Thanks Victor!
I can't follow the ticket, but thanks a lot for reporting it at Apple!
We just rolled out an update to our app using the NFCTagReaderSession instead of NFCNDEFReaderSession, everything works again, as expected :)
Thanks for your help!
Have a nice weekend
2021-06-07 12:58 AM
Hi @victor laraison_O , one more quick question!
Could you please specify what model/brand of the "NFC Spy" you use to sniff and analyze NFC traces !?
I searched for it but could not determine an exact match!
Thanks again
2021-06-29 7:07 AM
Hi Gustavo,
For your information, NDEF issue has been fixed in the iOS15 beta2 version.
From now, we have to wait for the next iOS14.x official release....
Thx and br,