2018-07-13 3:01 AM
I'm trying to run EVAL-ST95HF_FW_V3.7.0 source code on STM32L4 processor but unfortunately I can't link the compiled objects because of undefined reference to 'PICCNFCDEP_ReplyCommand' and 'PICCNFCDEP_Init'. The definition of these functions is missing in EVAL-ST95HF_FW_V3.7.0 source code, I can find only the declaration of these functions in 'lib_nfcdeptarget.h'. Thanks for the help in advance.
Kind regards,
#piccnfcdep_replycommand #st95hf #undefined-reference #eval-st95hf_fw_v3.7.0 #eval-st95hf #piccnfcdep_initSolved! Go to Solution.
2018-11-09 2:20 AM
Hi Stefan,
Looking to this thread "https://forum.atollic.com/viewtopic.php?t=89" can maybe in help (adding colon before lib name) , but as I don't know what is not working, it's difficult to guess.
Maybe asking Atollic forum to know if there ARM Toolchain is compatible with Keil ARM Toolchain is good point, in order to include the lib to your project.
Hope this will help you.
2018-07-16 2:19 AM
These functions are provided as librairies, you'll need to include the DEMO_BOARD_ST95HF.lib file,in your project workspace, to be able to compile and link. This file is available in the folder librairies/95hf/lib.
Best regards.
2018-10-17 2:14 AM
Is it possible to use this DEMO_BOARD_ST95HF.lib in Atolic TrueStudio for STM32?
And if its possible how?
2018-10-23 8:19 AM
Hi Stefan,
This library is compiled for STM32F103 MCU. So if you plan to use it on this MCU it should not be an issue. You just need to include the lib in your project, and the 4 following header files :
But as these functions are part of the nfc_lib provided with the eval ST95HF, their is probably more dependencies needed (NDEF, Iso14443, Iso18096, ...) that I cannot enumerate.
So I would recommend you to include all nfc source files in the libraries folder also.
Hope this can help you.
2018-10-23 8:29 AM
Hi @Rene Lenerve ,
Thank you for answering.
Firmware for ST95HF eval board is provided for Keil, since Keil is not free I am trying to import that project in Atolic and I have problem with that library , I didn`t find a way to import that library to Atolic.
Can you please explain to me how to import it?
2018-10-26 6:13 AM
Hi Stefan,
True Studio is based on eclipse, if you right click on the project explorer (on the folder you want to add your lib), select import, that will open the import dialog box. Now choose "File System" in the General list.
Next dialog choose the directory where to find the lib, and it should propose you the file to add. If not make sure that there is no extension filter selected.
Hope this will help you.
2018-11-06 12:40 AM
Hi @Rene Lenerve ,
Thank you for response, I all ready try that and also I tried to import library on next way:
Project->Propertis->c/c++ General->Paths and Symbols->Libraries->add. Because whole 95HF folder from Firmware for ST95HF -Evaluation board in which is located DEMO_BOARD_ST95HF.lib, I choose Workspace and than I added that .lib file but it still doesn`t work. Can this file be used in atolic (TrueStudio) at all?
Best regards.
2018-11-09 2:20 AM
Hi Stefan,
Looking to this thread "https://forum.atollic.com/viewtopic.php?t=89" can maybe in help (adding colon before lib name) , but as I don't know what is not working, it's difficult to guess.
Maybe asking Atollic forum to know if there ARM Toolchain is compatible with Keil ARM Toolchain is good point, in order to include the lib to your project.
Hope this will help you.
2018-11-15 4:54 AM
Thank you Rene, that helps me, now is possible to compile but it`s not working because "No symbol table is loaded. Use the "file" command"... For that I`ll need to ask on Atollic forum.
Thank you!