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Mailbox Password Crash

Associate III



I am trying to enable the Mailbox functionality on ST25DV64KC-DISCO board.


I am using the NFCTap project,

And inside it added my own storyboard and a View controller.

This view controller first detects a tag at launch in view didload,

then it fetches the mailbox status,

and lastly it tries to enable mailbox with presentpassword api on which it crashes.


I have also attached a screen cast.

Please let me know if anyone faced a similar issue and can advice a solution.

Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 14.24.54.png

victor laraison
ST Employee

Hello aly,

Error message in your debug console is quite explicit: you 're not connected with the tag, and you try to send a command. So, you get an exception. 
So : 

- Verify why you re connected with tag (do you stop nfc session ? Distance from tag & reader too far ? ....)

- Catch your exeption by using the example provided in source code of NFC tap with the "SwitfTryCatch" class.

Hope it helps.