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How to integrate NFC Reader ST25R3911B into my own program.

Associate II


I have been working with the NFC05A1 NFC Reader in combination with a G070RB, but am momentarily stuck on how to use it in my own program.

I have followed all the steps given in an other post with a person having close to the same issue:

But I keep getting errors left and right on includes and functions, which makes me come to a question whether all of this is needed for just a 'simple' program.

My main question here is whether there is an easy way to implement a program to read the UID from an NFC Tag. It's all my program has to do, the example given in the X-CUBE-NFC5 seems a little too much for what I want it to do.

Kind regards,


ST Employee

Hi Joey,

Well, on software layer we have invested to make ST25R95 , ST25R3911B and ST25R3916 identical. However as the 95 is a completely different IP its interface on the lower level and the schematic are quite different.

IRQ_IN is an input from 95 perspective so needs to be configured as output on the MCU.

IRQ_OUT is an output from 95 perspective so needs to be configured as input on the MCU.

For your undefined references: Please check that you have rfal_nfc.c included.

Regards, Ulysses

Associate II

Hi Ulysses,

For just reading the UID from a card, does it make a big difference whether I use the ST25R95 (Or currently on my NFC03A1 the CH95HFV5), or the ST25R3911B?

I have made the changes to the IRQ Inputs and outputs.

For the undefined references, I have both "/Middlewares/rfal/Inc" and "/Middlewares/rfal/Src" included in my projects include paths (I think only /Inc has to be included there though) but it keeps giving me the errors.

If I try to include the rfal_nfc.c file itself, it will give me an error that I have multiple definitions of the functions in the file.

Kind regards,


ST Employee


For reading a UID it does not make any difference which board/chip you use. However on porting the 391x and 95 are a bit different (SPI mode, pins, etc.). If you go for designing an own board you will also encounter substantial differences.

I am no expert on STM32CubeIDE IDE. What I see is rfal_nfc.c among other files does have a different icon. When you select "Build selected file" no actual build is started. Also rfal_nfc.o does not appear in Debug/objects.lst.

So somehow the files in Middleware/rfal were not correctly added.

Regards, Ulysses

Associate II

Hi Ulysses,

What would your advise be on which chip to use for certain purposes?

I have yet to figure out why it doesn't build the /Middlewares/rfal, but so far I have worked around it by putting all the files in my /Core/Inc and /Core/Src.

I have checked the connection and my pin layout is correctly set up in the .ioc file. But I am getting a HAL_TIMEOUT error whenever my demo tries to initialise.

The error happens first in the st25r95SPIPollRead function in the st25r95_com_spi.c file.

First of all, is there any difference in this function being used for the ST25R95, because I am not using that one, and I am using the CR95HFV5.

Second, if the first issue is not the case. What needs to be done? I have not been able to find certain settings required for the SPI connection, like the parameter settings for the SPI connectivity in the .ioc

Kind regards,


Associate II

Added my file for the above question.

ST Employee

Hi Joey,

The ST25R95 and CR95 are the same in all respects relevant to you.

Best if you carefully review X-CUBE-NFC3 for the required settings of SPI, etc.

If you have done so, and it still doesn't work, then please provide a logic analyzer trace of your connection to the 95 ( CN5.1-6, CN9.3 of NFC03.).

Regards, Ulysses

Associate II

Hello Ulysses,

I have reviewed the X-CUBE-NFC3 settings and I have set mine the same.

Also I have added logic analyzer traces of my connection. Since I am unable to get all the signals at the same time I will have my SS (CS) signal as the trigger on both occurances. The first screenshots (SPI Interface) are the standard MOSI/MISO/CLK and SS signals. The other screenshots are the other signals IRQ_IN, IRQ_OUT.

After about 2 ms (Even though I think these times are not really significant) the G070B will start retrying the same routine for a few times. I think it is set in the code that it has to attempt it a couple of times.

Kind regards,


ST Employee

Hi Joey,

I think your CS line is not properly controlled (maybe configured to be controlled by HW block but I think we need it software controlled):

I see two single bytes <03> <03> being written in your case and in our software this is written in one frame: <03 03>. I guess this can be the reason.

Please check.

Regards, Ulysses

ST Employee


didn't see SSI0 in your traces. Please check that as well.


P.S.: + second screnshot

Associate II

Hello Ulysses,

I have set my CS line to be controlled by software, (assuming it's the setting called Hardware NSS Signal which I set to Disable).

Which signal do you mean with SSIO?

I've added two screenshots, the first screenshots shows the same as last time but now in a single screenshot as I got my hands on a Logic Analyzer with more ports. The second screenshot is the pin layout as given in de user manual for the CR95HF.

Kind Regards,


Edit: Also on advanced parameters the NSS Signal Type is set to Software.
