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How to integrate NFC Reader ST25R3911B into my own program.

Associate II


I have been working with the NFC05A1 NFC Reader in combination with a G070RB, but am momentarily stuck on how to use it in my own program.

I have followed all the steps given in an other post with a person having close to the same issue:

But I keep getting errors left and right on includes and functions, which makes me come to a question whether all of this is needed for just a 'simple' program.

My main question here is whether there is an easy way to implement a program to read the UID from an NFC Tag. It's all my program has to do, the example given in the X-CUBE-NFC5 seems a little too much for what I want it to do.

Kind regards,


ST Employee


The CS signal is not properly driven: it should be low during a whole frame (e.g. low when sending the 03 03 polling command, in your trace the CS goes high in between). Make sure to have

  • Hardware NSS Signal: Disable
  • NSS Signa Type : Software
  • PB0 being defined as GPIO Mode: output push-pull , GPIO output: high and properly mapped to ST25R95_N_SS_PIN/PORT in platform.h

SPI interface is not properly selected: in your IOC project, the SSI_0/Interface pin is not set. It should be 1 (see table 4 in the ST25R95 DataSheet). Make sure to have PC7 being defined as SSI_0 and being high.

The SPI baud rate is exceeding the max ST25R95 SPI clock frequency. It should not exceed 2Mbits/s (current value is 8...). Make sure to update the presscaler to 8 (==> Mbits/s) or 16 (==> 1 Mbits/s).



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Associate II

Hi Brian,

This made it work, I was looking at the documentation in the CR95HF Datasheet which seems incomplete regarding to the ST25R95 Datasheet, unless the IRQ_IN pin is not needed at all.

Kind Regards,
