2021-01-08 7:04 PM
Hi ,
is there any user manual " how to connect ST25RU3993 UHF module via raspberry pi "
please send if any documents
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-01-21 10:05 AM
I am just unzipping the 2.3.0 SDK content and opening the solutiion in VisualStudio 2019. The includes shown are the same that I am seeing right now.
I am installing VS 2017 to check if works in this case.
2021-01-15 9:10 AM
Hello SSubr,
the file ...\Documents\Middleware-ReleaseNote.txt provides the following information:
Build & Installation information for RPi (Linux)
1. Open the VS2017 solution .\Middleware\clib\STUHFL.sln
2. Add the IP address of your RPi in the Tools-Options-CrossPlatform options.
3. In the STUHFL(Linux) project properties set this IP as remote machine
4. Right-Click on the STUHFL(Linux) project and click rebuild
NOTE: This generates a Linux shared object that could be used to communicate
to ST25RU3993 Reader IC based demo boards on a RPi.
best regards,
2021-01-21 5:25 AM
Dear Cedric,
In where place step 3 must to be performed? I can not find this option
2021-01-21 5:49 AM
Hello FBoca,
as mentioned in step 2, you have to select Tools -> Options :
then CrossPlatform -> add and fill up all remote connection information:
Step 3 consists in selecting remote debugger with the connection previously defined:
2021-01-21 5:57 AM
I can add succesfully the remote system, but I do not know how set up the remote debugger, this need to be installed separately?
2021-01-21 6:37 AM
Hi FBoca,
If not available by default you have to do this extra step:
First ensure your VS handles Remote Build through "Linux development in C++" package:
Open the menu “Tools – Get Tools and Features�?,
then select "Linux development in C++" package:
then open project properties of STUHFL solution:
and configure Remote Build Machine:
Looking at your picture, it appears you are working on Rpi demo project (instead of middleware only solution),
so here remind to do this Remote Build Machine configuration on both STUHFL and STUHFL_demo solutions:
2021-01-21 7:26 AM
Thank you. The Linux package missing was the error. Now I am facing with some include errors.
I am checking if some include is missing or something else.
2021-01-21 7:54 AM
Could you check all the files of each solution have been duly copied to the Raspberry by VS before the compilation is launched:
if not you have a problem with remote access.
2021-01-21 8:01 AM
The files are copied into "project" folder. inc and src files are copied. "Application" folder is missing. Maybe because the compilation fails before?
2021-01-21 8:43 AM
"Application" is located in STUHFL_demo.
Please check the include path in project:
It should at least contains ../../../Firmware/inc, /.inc and ./inc/platform (where is located stuhfl_platform.h).
Starting from scratch with the pure 2.3.0 environment is compiling correctly,
could you try with a pure environment ?