Hello Selvaraj,the ST25FTM library for Android can be found here:STSW-ST25SDK001 - Software Development Kit for ST25 Tags and Dynamic Tags - STMicroelectronicsBest regards,Cedric
Hello Hazin,the initialization on the dynamic tag side is a bit more complex.As a first step, I warmly recommend you to have a look to the STM32L476RG_NUCLEO_FTM_NFC7 example code which is dedicated to the ST25DV64KC side. This example shows how to u...
Hello Rahul,looking at your traces it seems indeed you are using quite an old version of FTM driver.The first comment is I would recommend you to update the FTM driver being used to the latest version.The STSW-ST25DV002 package on st.com has been upd...
Hello Rahul,looking at your traces some few things appear:the segment transmission is stuck on segment #82the totalValidReceivedLength is indeed stuck to 405982 bytesat first sight your FW is not able to process and/or store this segment #82, rewinds...
Hello Taksh,looking at your message I have some few comments.1) The way you enabled the traces makes me think you are using a quite old FTM driver. The ticket you are refering to in your message was precisely based at the time on this old FTM driver ...