2018-06-04 10:26 PM
I have adquired the following boards:
Qi-based wireless power receiver optimized for wearable applications up to 2.5 W using STWLC33
(STEVAL-ISB043V1)and also the Qi MP-A10 15 W wireless charger TX evaluation kit based on STWBC-EP
(STEVAL-ISB044V1)I have been testing them together with the default configuration. They allow a maximum separation of 5 mm. I would like to test them also with different materials between them.
Is there any special configuration that i could do in order to maximize this distance?
#steval-isb044v1 #steval-isb043v12018-07-05 3:14 AM
Hi Janire,
the material between TX and RX can be changed as long as it is not metallic. So any plastic, glass or wood is ok.
It is recommended to keep a minimum spacer from the coil surface of 3mm. This is by default the thickness of the STEVA-ISB044V1 plexiglass. If you remove the plexiglass, you should keep into account this.
Increasing the thickness above 8mm (3mm +5mm) is not recommended.