2022-10-05 6:43 AM
I would like to use an stusb1702 on my custom board as source / DFP docking. I found git project for an stusb1602 and nothing for stusb1702. Can someone confirme to me that I2C Register Map is the same between both. Indeed I am not able to write in some registers (register based on git project for stusb1602) to configure my PD controller in SRC / DFP role.
For information i use a dc dc buck boost controller which delivers VBUS 5V for USB-C alimentation.
Paul-Emile Perrin
Safran Software Ingeneer
2022-10-19 11:10 AM
May I know which STM32 you are using with stusb1702 ?
I guess that what you call 'git' is the stsw-stusb001x software packages (stsw-stusb0010 for stm32F072 for example)?
Using a 'source' project is such package should work with stusb1702.
Best regards