2017-03-20 12:21 PM
Trying to communicate to a X-Nucleo IHM11M1 demo board and the Nucleo-F401RE using Tera Term and the IHM11M1 does NOT respond to sent commands. I am running the X-Cube-SPN11 software sucessfully by uploading it to the IHM11M1. I can manually start the BLDC motor using the on-board buttons on the -F401RE board. When I start the terminal emulator SW to communicate to the IHM11M1/F401RE demo boards, I get no response from the demo boards. NOTE, when I press the reset button on the F401RE, the menu screen apprears in the terminal emulator window as shown below:
* X-NUCLEO-IHM11M1 - 6-Step Motor Control Expansion board ******************************************************************************** List of commands:<STARTM> -- Start Motor
<STOPMT> -- Stop Motor <DIRECT> -- Set the Motor direction CW or CCW <SETSPD> -- Set the Motor Speed <GETSPD> -- Get the Motor Speed <STATUS> -- Get the Status of system <POTENZ> -- Enable/Disable the potentiometer <HELP> -- Show the help menu ************* MAIN MOTOR PARAMETERS *************** <INIREF> -- Start-up duty cycle <ACCELE> -- Motor acceleration value during startup <POLESP> -- Set the Motor pole pairs ****** PI REGULATOR PARAMETERS - SPEED LOOP ****** <KP-PRM> -- Set the PI proportional term <KI-PRM> -- Set the PI integral termHowever, when I try to send any of the commands above I get no response. Is there a special character required when transmitting the commands? Do I need another driver to communicate to the demo boards while the motor is running? I am following the quick start guide to get this up and running.
I am using IAR to compile the code
2017-03-23 12:55 PM
I've learned one thing since this post.
1. To enter a command, just type the command with no arguments. A prompt will appear where you can input the parameter. Obviously, the coder of the interface was kind enough to not provide instructions.