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[STUSB4500] Not able to get output in PDO2 with 3 PDOs enabled


I am facing a strange problem regarding the PDO2 output in STUSB4500. Inspite of setting PDO Number as 3 and configuring the PDO2 voltage and current values using the STSW-STUSB002 GUI, I am not able to get any voltage output at PDO2. The status LED is also not glowing. But PDO1 and PDO3 is working fine.
If I change the PDO Number to 2 with the same voltage and current configurations as above, then I get the PDO2 voltage output. The status LED also glows. So, this is not the problem of Source Matching. And I am not able to find out the reason why this is happening and how can I make all the 3 PDOs to work smoothly.
Is there anything that I am missing for making all the 3 PDOs work together?

ST Employee


I guess that you are using our STEVAL_ISC005V1 board and what you call 'PDO1' is Vsnk from schematic.

If so, Vsnk lights on for all PDOs selection. Whereas PDO2 is ON if PDO2 is selected and PDO3 if PDO3 is selected.

Our algorithm always tries to select the highest voltage. If charger is so that PDO3 can be selected, then PDO3+Vsink will light on.

If charger is smaller, then PDO2+Vsnk will light ON

Best regards
