2012-05-09 7:42 AM
Hello everyone,
I am working on the Motor Control Kit consisting of: - STM100B-EVAL Evaluation Board with STM32F100VB (Medium Density, Value Line) - STEVAL-IMH023V2 Motor Control Demonstration Board I am porting the MC Projects (MC Application - RELEASE and UserProject - STM32100B-EVAL) from IAR Embedded Workbench IDE to KEIL IDE.
I am nearly finished, at least I have one problem:
According to the readme.txt - STM32100B-EVAL: to configure the project for STM32 Medium-density Value
line devices
@note The needed define symbols for this config are already declared in the
preprocessor section: USE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER, STM32F10X_MD_VL, USE_STM32100B_EVAL
my Compiler / Preprocessor Defines are:
USE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER, STM32F10X_MD_VL, USE_STM32100B_EVAL In main.c (Line 49) I get Error ''Invalid configuration: MCU definition in Control stage parameters.h not compatible with selected board
'' because STM32PERFORMANCE is defined.
Background: main.c includes Parameters conversion.h, that includes Control stage parameters.h. Here, im Line 27 STM32PERFORMANCEMD is defined witout any condition. /* STM32PERFORMANCEMD or STM32VALUELD or STM32VALUEMD or STM32PERFORMANCEHD */
This leads in Parameters conversion.h in Line 788 to: #if (defined STM32PERFORMANCEMD) || (defined STM32PERFORMANCELD)
to the definition of STM32PERFORMANCE!
So, returned to main.c, #if (defined(STM32PERFORMANCE) && !defined(STM32F10X_MD))
#error ''Invalid configuration: MCU definition in Control stage parameters.h not compatible with selected board''
... and the Error-Message is given out.
What is to do? - Change the Preprocessor-Defines? - Change File Control stage parameters.h ?Who has an idea, what is correct?
Thanks for answersMartin
2012-09-18 8:52 AM
Ciao Martin
I suppose that#define STM32VALUEMD
shall be the corret value to be set in control stage.h. You have a STM32100B-EVAL board that mounts a STM32F100 that is also called ''Value line''. You have already set the
in your preprocessor define and the VL mean ''Value Line''. So I think it can work. Ciao Gigi