2013-01-07 4:12 PM
I have STEVAL-PC009V2 communication board for the L6470 evaluation purposes. I saw some posts found bugs on either communication board or PC software during the evaluation therefore I went to the website and download a SW driver package (.zip file)
after extracted, I run the IBUUI Updater.exe in IBUUI Updater directory to perform firmware update. At the last stage, it become no-responsive for almost 15 mins and I believe the software is failed to update the firmware and therefore I unplug my device. Then it causes my communication board completely erased. I have no extra communication board available to continue evaluate L6470 driver. So basically, I am stuck!
Can anyone here to help me restore this communication board firmware? I saw there is a hex file called, IBUUI_V2.hex from
STEVAL-PCC009V2 firmware and is this the hex file to restore its firmware?
I have latest IAR installed and I have j-link JTAG but I have no idea how to load this hex into the communication board. Please help me on this?
#steval-pcc009v22013-02-08 11:54 AM
Hellow Yong,
''I run the IBUUI Updater.exe in IBUUI Updater directory to perform firmware update. At the last stage, it become no-responsive for almost 15 mins''
I encountered a similar problem, but is noresponsive at the last second step ''Switch to DFU mode''.
''I have latest IAR installed and I have j-link JTAG but I have no idea how to load this hex into the communication board. Please help me on this?''
I think you can use the J-Link's software ''J-Flash ARM'' to download the hex file.
I have the ''STEVAL-PCC009V2'' and ''EVAL6470H'' too, I want to get the software ''USB to serial interface SDK'' but i haven't the CD of ''STEVAL-PCC009V2''. (depicted in the ST User Manual ''UM0935''),
any can you send it to me by email? my email address ''mailto:charlysing@yahoo.com.cn
'' thank you!2013-02-28 5:22 AM
Does anyone have the
IBU Universal Interface firmware updater? In the new website I cannot find it!!
2013-03-11 9:39 AM
2013-04-20 3:37 AM
Same problem here, the IBUUI updater just stucks between bullet point ''Connect to board'' and ''Switch to DFU mode''.
Switching to DFU onboard does not matter anything...2013-08-08 1:33 AM
the WEB is updated:
2018-11-15 5:25 AM
Hi all, I'm working with the STEVAL-PCC009V2 board and the EVAL6480H, I'm try to update the STEVAL-PCC009V2 firmware by means the application IBUII updater on WinXP Pro SP3 but every time the application fail to start with a no found DLL error.
At the first was about the setupapi.dll so I've overwritten the original one into the Updater folder with the one taken from the WINDOWS\System32 and this error was solved, after that I got another unhandled exception about the SPI_SDK.dll, I've attached the screenshot nag for details, this DLL is still present into the folder so I'm stuck and no idea how to proceed.
Someone can give me a little bit help on this subject?
Best regards