2021-04-09 7:12 AM
For calculating the VM_CNF value the datasheet of the STC3117 gives the follwoing equation:
VM_CNF = Ri * Cnom / 977.78,
where Ri is the impedance of the cell.
The impedance of the cell however depends on the SOC, so i wonder at which SOC the Ri is supposed to be measured for use with this equation.
Any ideas?
2021-04-12 12:30 AM
It would be the initial resistance measured at 50% SOC.
2021-04-12 12:34 AM
Hello Mr. Lu,
thanks for Your quick response.
>It would be the initial resistance measured at 50% SOC.
measured at 1kHz sine i assume?
kind regards,
2021-04-12 12:39 AM
Yes, the resistance is measured at AC 1kHz 50% SOC.
The value is usually available in the spec of the battery.