2014-05-21 2:31 AM
Is it possible for a PC or Host Open a socket to connect the SPWFSxxx Wifi module.And how can I configure this module remotely via html page for example. #spwf01x #socket-server2014-05-21 3:34 AM
SPWF module offers (by default) a running webserver, port 80. If you need to configure via HTTP the module (network/password/mode/auth) you can use the ''firstset.html'' integrated webpage. Note that, when the module is into miniAP mode, this webpage is automatically provided as homepage (captiveportal.net).About socket server, since FW3.0 on, you can turn on the integrated socket server using the ''AT+S.SOCKD'' command. Which is your FW Release? Run ''AT+S.STS'' command, line ''version''...j2014-05-21 4:19 AM
thank you for your reply, for the ''firstset.htm'' I can not find it in the list of pages (command AT + S.FSL returns' / status.shtml ',' / cgi_demo.html ',' / power_demo.shtml ',' / config . shtml ',' / index.html ',' / 404.html '). This page ''captiveportal.net'' is not found. I run the command ''AT + S.STS'': version = 1203-121218_01-50-g511fab4.thank you.2014-05-21 5:20 AM
You cannot find firstset page since you are using a very very old release. 1203-121218_01-50-g511fab is more than 1 years old.
Can you update the module? You can use the OTA capability (perform an AT+S.FWUPDATE command) or via UART.j2014-05-21 6:05 AM
Thank you for this information.yes I can update it with the command ''AT + S.FWUPDATE'' but this command requires two arguments: <hostname> and <path&queryopts> Please have you a link to download the last version.2014-05-21 6:13 AM
Please contact your ST/Distributor contact.
He'll provide you the last FW Release.j2014-05-21 6:17 AM
thank you very much for your help.