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PWD13F60 abnormal behaviour

Sam Galam Robotics

Hello everyone,

I am willing to use a PWD13F60 driver to control a 200W DC brushed motor in 48V. I wanted to use the driver in full bridge so that I would control the motor in both rotational directions.

To do so, I connected the HIN1 and LIN2 pins, and the LIN1 and HIN2 pins respectively. I connected the motor directly on the out pins OUT1 and OUT2.

I also connected the SENSE1 and SENSE2 pins together, and I put a 0.3Ohm resistor between the SENSE pins and ground to measure current.

The logic inputs are a flat signal in 3.3V, the drivers Vcc supply is 12V, VS is 48V. I measured all voltage on all input pins directly on the board and everything seems fine. All the side components have the same values as the ones recommended on the EVALPWD13F60 datasheet.

The behaviour I get is extremely strange :

  • When HIN1 and LIN2 are high, and HIN2 and LIN1 are low, and the motor is not connected, I measure OUT1 at 0V and OUT2 at 0V.
  • When HIN1 and LIN2 are high, and HIN2 and LIN1 are low, and the motor is connected, I measure 4.9V on OUT1 instead of 48V and 0 on OUT2. The driver then heats super fast, I think a bit too fast even though the motor is powerful.

The same happens when HIN2 and LIN1 are high.

When I disconnect the SENSE pins, the OUT pins stay at 0V.

How is that even possible ? What should I do to solve my issue ? I can do any measurement or change you advise me, but I really need to solve this issue to control the motor.

Thank you very much for your help


I'm getting this same behavior, any help would be appreciated. I see full VS output for anything from 1ms to 40ms then a dip to 5V.



I was starting an EVALPWD13F60 board, and I have the same behavior.

Has Anyone solved the issue?