2019-07-11 3:02 AM
I am work with LSM303AH which working normally with 1.8 v.
My MCU works and provide 3.3v only.
I am looking for level shifter 3.3v to 1.8 v and vice-versa, for powering, I2C communication and logic high conversion.
Do you have any device to suggest ?
2019-07-11 5:42 AM
PCA9306 ,TCA9506?
2019-07-11 6:54 AM
Thank you ,PCA9306 seems be good deal.
But how i can shift high and low level of INT_MAG/DRDY (high level 1.8 v -> 3.3v )?
2019-07-11 7:19 AM
SN74LVC1T45? Or with INT_MAP pulled to 1.8V with a resistor and driving the base of an NPN
2019-07-11 8:39 AM
Can you suggest me a resistance value please for the base (for 1.8 v) ?
2019-07-11 8:50 AM
Do you suggest me BCP56-16 transistor ?
2019-07-11 9:07 AM
BCP56-16 seems oversized. If you have problems with dimensioning an transistor inverter, either read some books (AOE, Tietze Schenk) to learn the basics or stay with the 74T45.
2019-07-12 8:47 AM
Thank you for for suggestions.
What do you think about this device BOB-11771 ?
With 4*4 input*output, i can shift the SCL and SDA an other pins.
2019-07-12 9:28 AM
AUTO-DIRECTION SENSING devices are sensible parts. Reflection on open wires can upset them. It may work, if you know what you are doing and do things in s sensible way, but expect problems in corner cases. Dedicated I2C level shifts will work in a wider range of setups.
2019-07-12 10:14 AM
As some user stated: "whereas for open-drain signals such as I2C, the BOB-12009 is a better option"