2005-01-31 6:51 PM
2011-05-17 1:18 AM
Hi all,
device: 2FMC2S5T6 when I attempt to change MPWME I get PDDR change as well! I go to page 1 ; set up MCONF LD A,#0x02 LD 0x53,A ;set MPWE = PWMV - debug off - 2.5uS LD A,#0x20 LD 0x52,A in registers 0x52 I see the 0x20 I write and in register 0x09 [PDDR] which was 0xFF then becomes 0xFD! I use port D for other things so it gets upset :o Any suggestions? Regards DaveE [ This message was edited by: DaveE on 21-01-2005 18:06 ] [ This message was edited by: DaveE on 21-01-2005 22:05 ]2011-05-17 1:18 AM
please refer to the note #1 on page 19 of ST7MC datasheet to be sure that the I/O pins configured as input (if exist) don't overwrite what you wrote on the DR data register. Please, let me know. Tanio2011-05-17 1:18 AM
here's my code, this I'm sure this sets port D as floating input. ; make port all floating input LD A,#0xff LD 0x09,A ; set output latches high CLR 0x0a ; set as all inputs DDDR CLR 0x0b ; clear DDOR after this point I set up the mtc. Thanks DaveE2011-05-17 1:18 AM
since the PD1 and MCPWMV are shared pins, this implies you cannot use the PD1 as pin of D port when you configure the PWM V to be output from the MTC peripheral. The code you wrote try to perform these operation and that's the reason why you get that behaviour. Best regards, Tanio