2023-07-27 11:25 PM
I have an issue with the "Goto" command of the L6470 driver.
Sometimes (rarely) I send a "Goto" command to the driver with an absolute target positon, and the driver goes a few steps (1 to 3) further.
The driver is set to work in 1/128 steps.
After each move I correct the current absolute position of the driver (by writing the ABS_POS register). Before doing that I check that driver is not Busy (Busy flag is high).
After each move, once the driver is no more busy, I read the absolute position from the driver (ABS_POS register), and compare it to the desired target, sent with the "Goto" command.
And sometimes I notice that both values are a few different (of 1 to 3 µsteps more than expected).
The driver does not have any error flag active in the status register.
Each time I have noticed the default the amplitude (between current position and target) of the move if very small (between 1 to 30 µSteps).
I only got the issue around 3 or 4 times for maybe several thousands of moves in total.
But I don't want to have something wrong behind that...
Is there something that can cause the driver to go a few steps further like that ?
Can I do something wrong in the use of the driver ?
Thank you for your help
2023-07-28 12:13 AM
try with L6470_Move command
2023-07-28 2:02 AM
Thanks for your answer, but I really need to do an absolute move...
2023-07-31 11:18 PM
For Absolute move only use L6470_Move command this gives absolute position