2020-02-13 1:18 AM
2022-08-23 2:28 PM
Yep, from version 5.4.4+.
But it does not Generate with these versions, it wants 5.4.3 in order to Generate code, where the exmple is missing, but is built for that version.
The error in 5.4.4+ is:
ERROR [LineInfo_to_exitCode.manage_IocGenerationError] Unable to generate ioc file due to: When calling function "name", required parameter "gpio_port" (parameter #1) was specified, but had null/missing value....
2022-09-28 1:00 AM
Tested right now
Using MC SDK 5.4.8
Opening the example, saving in a folder and generated using the update button
I'm using CubeMX 6.5.0 and Cube IDE 1.7.0
It compile with 0 error 0 warning. Not tested on real board just compilation.