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High Current Consumption in STM32 NUCLEO-H745ZI-Q in Standby Mode


I am working with a Nucleo-H745ZI-Q development board and want to put it to standby mode to measure current consumption. I have put the domain D1, D3 in M7 and then domain D2 in M4 in standby mode. I also use 1 user LED for each core, so that I can know if the core is in standby mode. The problem is that after both the cores go to standby mode, even then the current consumption is 60 mA. I don't think it should be this high.

I am powering the board through a variable power supply and have kept the voltage at 3.3 V. The positive end is connected to CN8 pin7.

I use HAL_PWREx_EnterSTANDBYMode(PWR_D1_DOMAIN) to enter in standby mode.

Can someone help me out with this? Am I missing something?