2022-08-08 03:26 AM
Hi. I'm working with L9369 H-bridge driver and i want to know how to calculate CRC code in C programming.
it's polynomial is X^5+X^2+1 and initial value is 0x1F(1 1111)
i got CRC documentable attched document, but i think it's 26 bit and responding CRC value is not matched.
2.i want to know X^5+X^2+1 polynomial's CRC Lookup Table and how to use lookup table in C code. i calculated it by manual, and have some result. i want to know i calculate it correctly.
1-> 0x5
255-> 0x14
3. i want to know how to use lookup table below 2 cases. and sample code.
when i try to calucate CRC value with lookup-table, it's result is different to the value calculated by manual.
(please let me know how to calculate in case of CRC initial(0x1F) value apply, not apply case)
0x1234 ( 0001 0010 0011 0100)
0x2D40CFF(0010 1101 0100 0000 1100 1111 1111)
4. I attached excel file that i calculate CRC value by manual.
atttched document says 26 bit stream is "0 0000:0011 0 0000:0000:0000:0000" and CRC value is 0x0B. My CRC value is 0x15(with initial CRC), 0x1A(with out initial CRC)
i don't know why the result is different to me. please help to solve it.
thank you.
thank you.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2022-08-09 08:36 PM
I'm computing the CRC over 26 bits, when completed the high order 5-bits are the remainder, then I pull them back into the low order[4..0]
crc = (crc >> 27) & 0x1F; // Recover, align, mask computed value
Now if I appended the 5-bit CRC and ran those 31 bits, the remainder for the correct CRC would drop to zero.
2022-08-08 06:10 AM
Prior thread https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00001gxfOrSAI/reqeust-for-l9369-crc-calculation-documentation
TX: [0 0000:0011 0 0 0000:0000:0000:0000 01011]
0180000B (32) [0B]
CRC:0B -> 0180000B
TX: [0 0000:0010 0 1 0000:0000:0000:0000 11110]
0120001E (32) [1E]
CRC:1E -> 0120001E
TX: [0 0000:0100 0 0 0000:0000:0000:0000 01111]
0200000F (32) [0F]
CRC:0F -> 0200000F
0 10 0000:0011 0000:0101:0111:0000 0:1111
4060AE0F (32) [0F]
CRC:0F -> 4060AE0F
RX: [0 00 0000:0000 0000:0000:0000:0000 10001]
00000011 (32) [11]
CRC:11 -> 00000011
RX: [0 10 0000:0011 0000:0101:0111:0000 01111]
4060AE0F (32) [0F]
CRC:0F -> 4060AE0F
RX: [0 00 0000:0010 0000:1001:0011:0011 01111] Table 6c, seems inconsistent
0041266F (32) [0F]
CRC:0A -> 0041266A
RX: [0 00 0000:0011 0000:0101:0111:0000 00110]
0060AE06 (32) [06]
CRC:06 -> 0060AE06
RX: [1000:1000:1111:1111:1111:1111:1111:0010]
88FFFFF2 (32) [12]
CRC:12 -> 88FFFFF2
RX: [0 00 1111:1101 0000:0001:0001:1111 00000]
1FA023E0 (32) [00]
CRC:00 -> 1FA023E0
RX: [0 00 0000:0011 0000:0101:0111:0000 00110]
0060AE06 (32) [06]
CRC:06 -> 0060AE06
2022-08-08 06:29 AM
Table 9 test values seem good
Table 9
TX: [0 1001:0000 0 0 0000:0000:0000:0000 01111]
4800000F (32) [0F]
CRC:0F -> 4800000F
RX: [0 00 0000:0000 0000:0000:0000:0000 10001]
00000011 (32) [11]
CRC:11 -> 00000011
TX: [0 0000:0011 0 1 0000:0000:0000:0000 01011]
01A0000B (32) [0B]
CRC:0B -> 01A0000B
RX: [1000:0000:1111:1111:1111:1111:1110:0101]
80FFFFE5 (32) [05]
CRC:05 -> 80FFFFE5
TX: [0 0000:0011 0 0 0000:0000:0000:0000 01011]
0180000B (32) [0B]
CRC:0B -> 0180000B
RX: [0 00 0000:0011 0000:0101:0111:0010 01100]
0060AE4C (32) [0C]
CRC:0C -> 0060AE4C
TX: [0 0000:0011 0 0 0000:0000:0000:0000 01011]
0180000B (32) [0B]
CRC:0B -> 0180000B
RX: [0 10 0000:0011 0000:0101:0111:0010 00101]
4060AE45 (32) [05]
CRC:05 -> 4060AE45
TX: [0 1111:1101 0 1 0000:0000:0000:0000 00000]
7EA00000 (32) [00]
CRC:00 -> 7EA00000
RX: [0 00 0000:0011 0000:0101:0111:0000 00110]
0060AE06 (32) [06]
CRC:06 -> 0060AE06
TX: [0 0000:0011 0 0 0000:0000:0000:0000 01011]
0180000B (32) [0B]
CRC:0B -> 0180000B
RX: [0 00 1111:1101 0000:0000:0001:1111 11100]
1FA003FC (32) [1C]
CRC:1C -> 1FA003FC
2022-08-09 01:03 AM
hello. thank for reply. i'm modifying your example code for calculate data input with polynomial '100101', it's hard to implement. please help me to make getting CRC code function.
and i calculated your example, it seem that CRC code is wrong.
please check belows.
TX: [0 0000:0011 0 0 0000:0000:0000:0000 01011]
-> payload is 0x60000, CRC is 0x0B(without initial value)
2.i calculated sencond Tx Message
TX: [0 0000:0010 0 1 0000:0000:0000:0000 11110]
->payload is 0x40000, CRC is 0x0F(without initial value)
2022-08-09 06:40 AM
void rule21a(uint32_t data)
int i;
uint32_t test = (data & 0xFFC00000) | ((data & 0x1FFFE0) << 1); // Remove bit 20, high-order align
uint32_t crc;
crc = 0x1F << 27; // Initial, aligned high-order to match data
crc = crc ^ test; // Apply data
for(i=0; i<26; i++) // Consume data (shortened)
if (crc & 0x80000000)
crc = (crc << 1) ^ (0x05 << 27); // Bitwise application
crc <<= 1;
crc = (crc >> 27) & 0x1F; // Recover, align, mask computed value
printf("CRC:%02X -> %08X %s\n\n", crc, (data & 0xFFFFFFE0) ^ crc, ((data & 0x1F) != crc) ? "???" : "");
} // sourcer32@gmail.com
2022-08-09 07:11 AM
My 8-bit table ended up like this
static const uint8_t crctbl[] = { // CRC-5 8-bit table, sourcer32@gmail.com
0x10,0x38,0x40,0x68,0xB0,0x98,0xE0,0xC8,0x78,0x50,0x28,0x00,0xD8,0xF0,0x88,0xA0 };
2022-08-09 07:46 AM
I can make the Programmable HW CRC peripheral process it too, but the value/utility is questionable.
2022-08-09 06:40 PM
Hello. thank you very much for replying to my refit repetitive question.
i know above source code how to get CRC. but i have one question.
if data is not 32bit data, for example, 0x40000000, in this case, below initial value shifting seems wrong.
" crc = 0x1F << 27; // Initial, aligned high-order to match data"
i think above code works propely only when in case MSB(31bit) exist.
2022-08-09 07:12 PM
Hello. thank you very much for replying to my refit repetitive question.
i have 2 question.
but the value i calculate is 0x05. how to you get 0x28?
thank you.
2022-08-09 07:16 PM
I am left aligning in the register for computational efficiency, allowing me to process 1, 2, 4 or 8-bits via tables
For the 26-bit value the least significant 6-bits (right) are zero, [5..0]=0, so the data exists in [31..6]