2007-11-19 1:20 AM
Can't find replacement IC
2011-05-17 1:18 AM
HELP! I blasted the ST72F264G2B5 MC on my EvalPractiSPIN board.
I have looked all over the web for replacement chips but Noooo. The only ones I have found is ST72F264G2B6 and I have to buy 480 of them; Yikes . I only need a hand full < 5 for replacements if this failure occurs again. Does anyone know where I can get some of these chips? Are these obsolete? I'm located a few miles from the St Wherehouse in Phoenix if that helps. Thanks: Dennis2011-05-17 1:18 AM
I was looking at www.newyorksemi.com - they seem to have some of it left ! Best regards, Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Pelikan2011-05-17 1:18 AM
Hello Dennis. I'am your partner in this problem...like your.
now I 'm planning to re-produce the evalpractspin. I've only ST72264 mcu in SO version, but it's not a problem for me. Instead my problem is to have the FW, because the old MCU smoked for my error. So, I can reproduce the PCB craftmade using the SO MCU type but I haven't the FW. (from the ST's site it's possibile to update it only). do you think we can help ourself together? I can do two PCB and make a present of it for you. have you the FW or can you help me for this? contact me atmailto:mfederici@rd-lab.it
;)2011-05-17 1:18 AM
after the installation process of EVALPRACTISPIN tool, in your root directory (tipically drive C:), inside ''Program Files/PractiSPIN'' folder there are three .s19 files (each one according to the motor type), that are the ST7's firmware binary files you are looking for. I hope this helps you. Best regards, Tanio